Rocky Mountain Mustangers : The Ford Mustang Club of Colorado Springs, CO

Car Pros Muffler Masters - 3015 N Stone Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719)749-7830
Rosie's Diner - 411 Hwy 105, Monument, CO 80132 (719)232-3287

Click on Sponsor to go to their web page!

Mark Barton Phil Long Ford of Motor City
High Plains Motors LLC - Mark Short General Manager 2255 La Montana Way, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 (719)659-7791
Transmission Clinic of Colorado Springs - 3925 Interpark Dr. A, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719)471-0777
Hopfe Automotive LLC - 570 E Chester Ave Woodland Park CO 80863 (719) 687-3313
Bumper King - 3725 E Pikes Peak Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (970)508-6060

Phil Long Ford of Motor City

Sponsorship for one year $50.00

This includes your business card posted here on the club website -, the monthly club newsletter - Hoofbeats,
and our hardcopy club promotional materials.

If you are interested in supporting RMMC, please email a copy of our sponsorship form ​to our Webmaster,
​and we will have a club member contact you.